1. Charles Babbage, Passages from the life of a philosopher, Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, London 1864; reprinted Greeg, Westmead, 1969.
2. Alexander Bain, Logic, 2 volumes, pt. 1: Deduction, pt. 2: Induction, Longmans, Green, & Co., London, 1870.
3. Tadeusz Batóg and Roman Murawski, Stanisław Piątkiewicz and the beginnings of mathematical logic in Poland, Historia Mathematica, vol. 23 (1996), pp. 68–73.
4. Friedrich Eduard Beneke, Syllogismorum analyticorum origines et ordinem naturalem, Mittler, Berlin, 1839.
5. _____, System der Logik als Kunstlehre des Denkens, 2 volumes, F. Dümmler, Berlin, 1842.