1. A. W. Jankowski, A characterization of the closed subsets of an ??, ??-closure space using an ??, ??-base, Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Series des Sciences Mathematiques, XXX (1982), pp. 1?8.
2. A. W. Jankowski, A Conjunction in closure spaces, Studia Logica, Vol. 43, No. 4 (1984), pp. 341?351.
3. A. W. Jankowski, Universality of the closure space of filters in the algebra of all subsets, Studia Logica, in this volume.
4. A. W. Jankowski, Retracts of the closure space of filters in the lattice of all subsets, Studia Logica, (to appear).
5. H. Rasiowa and R, Sikorski, The Mathematics of Metamathematics, Warszawa 1970.