1. See, for example, Adler, S. L., Dashen, R. F.: Current algebras. New York: W. A. Benjamin, Inc. 1968.
2. See, for example, Okubo, S.: Nuovo Cimento 44A, 1015 (1966).
3. See, for example, Wu, C. S.: Rev. Mod. Phys. 36, 618 (1964).
4. See, for example, Schopper, H, F.: Weak interactions and nuclear β-decay. Amsterdam: North-Holland 1965. The value of G
ν quoted on p. 52 of this reference is with radiative corrections. The value quoted in Eq. (6) of these lectures is without radiative corrections.
5. See, for example, Rubbia, C.: Topical Conference on Weak Interactions, CERN, Geneva, January 1969.