Misconceptions on Effective Field Theories and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: Response to Ellis’ Article


Luu ThomasORCID,Meißner Ulf-G.


AbstractIn an earlier paper Luu and Meißner (arXiv:1910.13770 [physics.hist-ph]) we discussed emergence from the context of effective field theories, particularly as related to the fields of particle and nuclear physics. We argued on the side of reductionism and weak emergence. George Ellis has critiqued our exposition in Ellis (arXiv:2004.13591 [physics.hist-ph]), and here we provide our response to his critiques. Many of his critiques are based on incorrect assumptions related to the formalism of effective field theories and we attempt to correct these issues here. We also comment on other statements made in his paper. Important to note is that our response is to his critiques made in archive versions arXiv:2004.13591v1-5 [physics.hist-ph]. That is, versions 1–5 of this archive post. Version 6 has similar content as versions 1–5, but versions 7–9 are seemingly a different paper altogether (even with a different title).


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Physics and Astronomy

Reference48 articles.

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