1. V. P. Sosedov (ed.), Properties of Constructional Materials Based on Carbon [in Russian]. Metallurgiya, Moscow (1975), 335 pp.
2. F. M. Walker (ed.), Graphite as a High-Temperature Material [Russian translation]; Mir. Moscow (1964), 423 pp.
3. N. A. Golushko, Graphite-Bearing Refractories [in Russian], Metallurgiya, Moscow (1962), 110 pp.
4. A. S. Fialkov, Structure Formation and Properties of Graphitized Materials [in Russian], Metallurgiya, Moscow (1965), 288 pp.
5. A. R. Ubbelode and F. A. Lewis, Graphite and Its Crystalline Compounds [Russian translation], Mir. Moscow (1965), 256 pp.