1. Structural Fire Design, “BS ENV 1993: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures” (including UK NAD), Part 1.2, British Standards Institution, London, 1996
2. Structural Fire Design, “BS ENV 1994: Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures” (including UK NAD), Part 1.2, British Standards Institution, London, 1996
3. R.M. Lawson and G.M. Newman, Structural Fire Design to EC3 & EC4, and Comparison with BS 5950, The Steel Construction Institute, Ascot, 1996
4. Fire Resistance of Steel-Framed Buildings, British Steel Sections Plates and Commercial Steels, Steel House, Redcar, UK, 1997
5. T.J. MacGinley and T.C. Ang, Structural Steelwork: Design to Limit State Theory, 2nd ed., Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 1992, p 10