1. Albu T. The Osofsky-Smith Theorem for modular lattices, and applications (II). Comm Algebra, 2014, 42: 2663–2683
2. Albu T. Topics in Lattice Theory with Applications to Rings, Modules, and Categories. Lecture Notes, XXIII Brazilian Algebra Meeting, Maringá, Paraná, Brasil, 2014 (80 pages)
3. Albu T. Chain Conditions in Modular Lattices with Applications to Grothendieck Categories and Torsion Theories. Monograph Series of Parana’s Mathematical Society No 1, Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, Maringá, Paraná, Brasil, 2015 (134 pages)
4. Albu T, Iosif M. The category of linear modular lattices. Bull Math Soc Sci Math Roumanie, 2013, 56(104): 33–46
5. Albu T, Iosif M. Lattice preradicals with applications to Grothendieck categories and torsion theories. J Algebra, 2015, 444: 339–366