1. L. A. Galin, ?Impact on a solid located on the surface of a compressible liquid,? Prikl. Matem. i. Mekhan.,2, No. 5 (1947).
2. E. V. Afanas'ev, ?Impact of a body onto a thin plate lying on the surface of a compressible liquid,? Prikl. Matem. i Mekhan.,28, No. 5 (1964).
3. A. V. Lotov, ?On the impact of an elastic plate on the surface of a liquid,? Trudy TsAGI, No. 152 (1935).
4. P. Frank and R. von Mises, Differential and Integral Equations of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2 [Russian translation], Chap. 12; S. L. Sobolev, Some Problems of the Theory of Propagation of Vibrations [in Russian], ONTI, Moscow-Leningrad (1937).
5. G. Muntz, Integral Equations, Vol. 1 [Russian translation], Gostekhteoretizdat, Moscow-Leningrad (1934).