1. Schwarzl, F. R., H. W. Bree andC. J. Nederveen, Mechanical Properties of Highly Filled Elastomers I. Relationship between Filler Characteristics, Shear Moduli and Tensile Strength. Proc. 4th. Int. Congr. Rheology, Providence R. I., 1963.E. H. Lee (Ed.), vol. 3, 241 (New York 1965).
2. van der Wal, C. W., F. R. Schwarzl andH. W. Bree, Mechanical Properties of Highly Filled Elastomers II. Relationship between Filler Characteristics, Thermal Expansion and Bulk Moduli, J. Appl. Polymer Sci.9, 2143 (1965).
3. Schwarzl, F. R., H. W. Bree, C. J. Nederveen, L. C. E. Struik andC. W. van der Wal, On mechanical properties of unfilled and filled elastomers. Proc. Congr. Mechanics and Chemistry of Solid Propellants, Lafayette (1965). In press.
4. van der Poel, C., On the rheology of concentrated dispersions, Rheol. Acta1, 198 (1958).
5. Smit, P.P.A., Glass transition in carbon black reinforced rubber. This symposium.