1. J. R. Wait: Electromagnetic fields of sources in lossy media, in Antenna Theory, Pt. 2, ed. by R. E. Collin and F. J. Zucker (McGraw-Hill, New York 1969). Chapt. 24
2. G. V. Keller: Electrical characteristics of the earth's crust, in Electromagnetic Probing in Geophysics, ed. by J. R. Wait (Golem Press, Boulder, Colo. 1971) Chapt. 1
3. J. H. Scott, R. D. Carroll, D. R. Cunningham: J. Geophys. Res. 72, 5101 (1967)
4. R. N. Grubb, J. R. Wait: Electron. Lett. 7, 506 (1971)
5. R. J. Lytle: “The Yosemite Experiments: HF Propagation Measurements Through Rock”, Lawrence Livermore Lab., Report to AEC, no. UCRL-51381 (1973)