1. J. RENAULT, Advances in X-Ray Analysis, Plenum Press, New York-London, Vol. 23. 1980, p. 43.
2. F. JAMES, M. ROOS, MINUIT, A package of programs to minimize a function of n variables, CERN 7600 Interim Program Library, Section D 506 and D 516, CERN Geneva 1971.
3. L. HARDT, Glückauf, 98 (1962). 823.
4. A. TROST, Radioisotope Instruments in Industry and Geophysics, Vol. 1, IAEA, Vienna, 1966, p. 435.
5. J. R. RHODES, J. C. DAGLISH, C. G. CLAYTON, ibid, 447.