1. Proc. IAEA Symp. Nuclear Activation Techniques in the Life Sciences, Bled, 1972.
2. Proc. IAEA Symp. Nuclear Activation Techniques in the Life Science, Vienna, 1978.
3. V. VALKOVIC, Trace Elements in Human Hair, 1977, Garland STPM Press, New York and London.
4. D. I. HAMMER, J. F. FINKLEA, R. H. HENDRICKS, C. M. SHY, R. J. M. HORTON, Am. J. Epidermiology, 93 (1971) 84.
5. D. J. EATOUGH, J. J. CHRISTENSEN, R. M. IZATT, C. HARTLEY, ‘Level of Selected Trace Elements in Human Hair’, Presented at the First Human Hair Symposium, Atlanta, 1973.