1. Greene, G. B.: The Philosophy of Silence, Richard R. Smith, New York, 1940.
2. Kelman, H.: The Use of the Analytic Couch, Am. J. Psychoan.: XIV, 1954, 65; Van Bark, B.S., The Meaning of Silence in the Analytic Situation, Am. J. Psychoan., XIII, 1953, 89.
3. Bynner, W.: The Way of Life, according to Laotzu, John Day, New York, 1944.
4. Bannister, R.: The Four-Minute Mile, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1955, A Review by Arthur Daley, The New York Times Book Review, November 13, 1955.
5. Kelman, H.: Life History as Therapy, Part III, The Symbolizing Process, Am. J. Psychoan., XVI, No. 2, 145, 1956.