1. M. Abadi, L. Lamport, and S. Merz. A TLA Solution to the RPC-Memory Specification Problem. This volume.
2. J. Blom, B. Jonsson, and L. Kempe. Using temporal logic for modular specification of telephone services. In L. G. Bouma and Hugo Velthuijsen, editors, Feature Interactions in Telecommunications Systems, pages 197–216, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 1994. IOS Press.
3. A. Borgida, J. Mylopoulos, and R. Reiter. On the frame problem in procedure specifications. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, 21(10):785–798, 1995.
4. M. Broy and L. Lamport. The RPC-Memory Specification Problem. This volume.
5. L. Lamport. Lake arrowhead specification problem, 1987. Manuscript.