1. W. Aiello, S. Bhatt. F. Chung. A. Rosenberg, and R. Sitaraman, Augmented Rings Networks, to appear in J. Math. Modelling and Scientific Computing; see also, 11th Intl. Conf. on Math. and Computer Modelling and Scientific Computing (ICMCM & SC) (1997).
2. I. Cidon, O. Gerstel and S. Zaks, A scalable approach to routing in ATM networks. 8th International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 857 Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1994, pp.209–222.
3. O. Gerstel; A. Wool and S. Zaks, Optimal Layouts on a Chain ATM Network, to appear in Discrete Applied Mathematics; also: European Symp. on Algorithms. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 979 (P. Spirakis ed.) SpringerVerlag, Berlin, pp. 508–522.
4. S. W. Golomb and L. R. Welch, Perfect Codes in the Lee Metric and the Packing of Polyominoes. SIAM Journal on Applied Math.,vol.l8,no.2, January, 1970., pp. 302–317.
5. S. W. Golomb. Sphere Packing, Coding Metrics, and Chess Puzzles. Chapel Hill Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and its Applications. May 1970, pp. 176–189.