To determine potential quadriceps versus hamstring tendon autograft differences in neuromuscular function and return to sport (RTS)-success in participants after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.
Case–control study on 25 participants operated on with an arthroscopically assisted, anatomic ipsilateral quadriceps femoris tendon graft and two control groups of 25 participants each, operated on with a semitendinosus tendon or semitendinosus-gracilis (hamstring) tendon graft ACL reconstruction. Participants of the two control groups were propensity score matched to the case group based on sex, age, Tegner activity scale and either the total volume of rehabilitation since reconstruction (n = 25) or the time since reconstruction (n = 25). At the end of the rehabilitation (averagely 8 months post-reconstruction), self-reported knee function (KOOS sum scores), fear of loading the reconstructed knee during a sporting activity (RSI-ACL questionnaire), and fear of movement (Tampa scale of kinesiophobia) were followed by hop and jump tests. Front hops for distance (jumping distance as the outcome) were followed by Drop jumps (normalised knee joint separation distance), and concluded by qualitative ratings of the Balanced front and side hops. Between-group comparisons were undertaken using 95% confidence intervals comparisons, effect sizes were calculated.
The quadriceps case group (always compared with the rehabilitation-matched hamstring graft controls first and versus time-matched hamstring graft controls second) had non-significant and only marginal higher self-reported issues during sporting activities: Cohen’s d = 0.42, d = 0.44, lower confidence for RTS (d = − 0.30, d = − 0.16), and less kinesiophobia (d = − 0.25, d = 0.32). Small and once more non-significant effect sizes point towards lower values in the quadriceps graft groups in the Front hop for distance limb symmetry values in comparison to the two hamstring control groups (d = − 0.24, d = − 0.35). The normalised knee joint separation distance were non-significantly and small effect sized higher in the quadriceps than in the hamstring groups (d = 0.31, d = 0.28).
Only non-significant and marginal between-graft differences in the functional outcomes at the end of the rehabilitation occurred. The selection of either a hamstring or a quadriceps graft type cannot be recommended based on the results. The decision must be undertaken individually.
Level of evidence
Deutsche Kniegesellschaft
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine,Surgery
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2 articles.