1. I. E. Campbell, (ed.) “High-Temperature Technology” (The Electrochemical Soc. Inc., New York, 1956) p. 118.
2. G. G. Gnyeshin and Y. V. Naydich, Poroshkovaya Metall. (Russian, Powder Metall.)
74 (1969) 57.
3. Yu. V. Naidich and G. M. Nyevodnik, Nyeorganicheskie Mater. (Russian, Inorganic Mater.)
5 (1969) 2066.
4. M. Hansen and K. Anderko (eds) in “Constitution of binary alloys” (McGraw-Hill, 1958) p. 75.
5. Idem, ibid, p. 232, 51, 629, 1193, 132.