1. Yu. S. Zaslavskii, Radiation Resistance of Lubricants, Gosatomizdat (1961).
2. Yu. S. Zasalavskii, A. D. Stukin, and G. I. Shor, Khim. i tekhnol. topliv i masel, No. 10 (1964).
3. W. L. Rice, D.A. Kirk, and W. B. Cheney, Nucleonics, Vol. 18, No. 2 (1960).
4. A. Swallow, Radiation Chemistry of Organic Compounds [Russian translation], IL (1963).
5. E. D. Makeeva, L. A. Kumleva, Yu. S. Zaslavskii, and N. E. Shchipina, Khim. i tekhnol. topliv i masel, No. 9(1964).