1. W. E. Quist andR. E. Lewis, in “Rapidly Solidified Powder Aluminium Alloys, STP 890”, edited by E. A. Starke Jr and M. E. Fine (American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1986) p. 7.
2. C. M. Adam andR. G. Bourdeau, in “Rapid Solidification Processing: Principles and Technologies”, edited by R. Mehrabian, B. H. Gear and M. Cohen (Claitors, Baton Rouge, 1980) p. 246.
3. E. P. Cone andP. M. Komater, in “Exploratory Development of Processing Elevated Temperature Powder Metallurgy Alloys”, (AFWAL-FR-18804-7, 1988) p. 6.
4. Metals Handbook, 9th edn, Vol. 2 (American Society for Metals, Materials Park, Ohio, 1983) p. 75.
5. S. Krishnaswamy andW. A. Baeslack III, in “Recent Trends in Welding Science and Technology”, edited by S. A. David and J. M. Vitek (ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio, 1990) p. 631.