1. Abdennadher, S., and Schütz, H. CHRv: A flexible query language. In this volume (1998).
2. Bonnet, P., and Tomasic, A. Partial answers for unavailable data source. In this volume (1998).
3. Bressan, S., and Bonnet, P. Extraction and integration of data from semi-structured documents into business applications. In in Proceedings of the Intl. Conference on Industrial Applications of Prolog (1997).
4. Bressan, S., Fynn, K., Goh, C., Jakobisiak, M., Hussein, K., Kon, H., Lee, T. Madnick, S., Pena, T., Qu, J., Shum, A., and Siegel, M. The context interchange mediator prototype. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Intl. Conf. on Management of Data (1997). (see also http://context.mit.edu/demos/sigmod).
5. Bressan, S., Goh, C. H., Lee, T., Madnick, S., and Siegel, M. A procedure for mediation of queries to sources in disparate contexts. In Proceedings of the International Logic Programming Symposium (Port Jefferson, NY, Oct 12–17 1997).