1. J.A.FleckJr., J.R.Morris, M.D.Feit: Appl. Phys10, 129 (1976); see also J.A.Fleck Jr., J.R.Morris, M.D.Feit: “Time-Dependent Propagation of High Energy Laser Beams Through the Atmosphere,” Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Rept. UCRL-51826 (1975)
2. R.T.Brown, P.J.Berger, F.G.Gebhardt, H.C.Smith: “Influence of Dead Zones and Transonic Slewing on Thermal Blooming”, United Aircraft Research Laboratory, East Hartford, Conn., Rept. N921724-7 (1974)
3. P.J.Berger, F.G.Gebhardt, D.C.Smith: “Thermal Blooming Due to a Stagnation Zone in a Slewed Beam”, United Aircraft Research Laboratory, East Hartford, Conn., Rept. N921724-12 (1974)
4. P.J.Berger, P.B.Ulrich, J.T.Ulrich, F.G.Gebhardt: “Transient Thermal Blooming of a Slewed Laser Beam Containing a Regime of Stagnant Absorber”, Appl Opt.16, 345 (1977)
5. The possibility of such curved flow trajectories in the neightborhood of the stagnation point was pointed out to one of the authors by B. Hogge (private communication)