Appearance of the rotifer community as a potential indicator of stable paleohydrological conditions in peatlands since the Late Glacial: a case study of three wetlands in Poland


Pociecha AgnieszkaORCID,Buczek KrzysztofORCID,Margielewski WłodzimierzORCID,Kupryjanowicz MirosławaORCID,Fiłoc MagdalenaORCID,Korzeń Katarzyna,Krąpiec MarekORCID,Sala DariuszORCID,Obidowicz Andrzej,Michczyńska Danuta J.ORCID,Michczyński AdamORCID,Borówka RyszardORCID,Tomkowiak JulitaORCID


AbstractIn paleolimnological studies, rotifers are usually a very rare component in multiproxy research. These small invertebrates are identified from sediments by their loricas. Analysis of subfossil rotifers was conducted for sediment cores collected from three peatlands in within Poland: the Grel raised bog (S Poland, Carpathians, Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin), the Imszar raised bog (NE Poland, Podlasie Region), and the Podemszczyzna peatland (SE Poland, Sandomierz Basin). Results were compared with multiproxy analyses of peat deposits: pollen of aquatic and mire plants, non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs), and geochemical analyses. Analysis of the rotifers indicated the occurrence of the bdelloid species Habrotrocha angusticollis (Murray, 1905). In all profiles of the studied peatlands, the occurrence of rotifers was not correlated with pollen of aquatic or mire plants or NPPs; they seem to be more related to geochemical indices. The highest densities of rotifers were found in profile sections without significant fluctuations of geochemical variables, i.e. those with higher Na/K (chemical denudation) ratios and stable redox conditions (Fe/Mn ratio). The study of subfossil rotifers supported by multiproxy analysis of peat deposits could be a useful tool for indication of periods with stable palaeohydrological conditions during the Late Glacial and Holocene.


National Science Center, Poland


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Aquatic Science

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