1. W. König: ‘Ein galvanisches Element aus der Partherzeit?’Forschungen und Fortschritte,14(1), 8–9, 1938
2. E. Paszthory: ‘Stromerzeugung oder Magie’,Antike Welt,16(1), 3–12, 1985. (Engl. Version: ‘Electricity Generation or Magic? The Analysis of an Unusual Group of Finds from Mesopotamia’, MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology,6, 31–38, 1989
3. W. Jansen, H. Fickenfrerichs, R. Peper & B. Flintjer: ‘Die Batterie der Parther und das Vergolden der Bagdader Goldschmiede’, Part 1,CLB,38(10), 528–533, 1987; Part 2,CLB,38(11), 586–592, 1987; Part 3,CLB,44(3), 128–133, 1993
4. G. Eggert, ‘The Enigma of the “Battery of Baghdad”’, 7th European Skeptics Conference, May 4–7th, 1935, Roßdorf (Germany), in print
5. For the unabridged English translations of [1] and [6] cited here see G. Dubpernell: ‘Evidence of the Use of Primitive Batteries in Antiquity’ in: G. Dubpernell & J.H. Westbrook (Eds.): ‘Selected Topics in the History of Electrochemistry’,The Electrochemical Society, pp. 8–15, 1978