1. A. D. Alexandrov,On Lorentz transformations, Uspehi Mat. Nauk,5, 3 (37) (1950), p. 187 (Russian).
2. A. D. Alexandrov -V. V. Ovchinnikova,Notes on the foundations of relativity theory, Vestnik Leningrad. Univ.,14 (1953), p. 95 (Russian).
3. A. D. Alexandrov,The space-time of the theory of relativity, Jubilee of Relativity Theory, Proceedings, Basel, 1956.
4. A. D. Alexandrov,Philosophical content and meaning of relativity theory, Voprosy filosofii,4 (1959), p. 67 (Russian)
5. A. D. Alexandrov,Relativity theory as a theory of absolute space-time, Philosophical problems of modern physics, Moscow, 1959, pp. 269–323 (Russian).