1. W. Rohrbach, Über die Dispersion seismischer Oberflächenwellen, Z. GeophysikVIII (1932), 113.
2. J. Coulomb,Love-waves of the Queen Charlotte Islands Earthquake of August 22, 1949, B.S.S.A.42, 1 (1952), 29.
3. F. Press andM. Ewing,Earthquake Surface Waves and Crustal Structure, Geol. Soc. Am.1955, 51.
4. J. T. Wilson andO. Baykal,Crustal Structure of the North Atlantic Basin as Determined from Rayleigh-wave Dispersion, B.S.S.A.38 (1948), 1.
5. R. M. Brilliant andM. Ewing,Dispersion of Rayleigh-waves Across the U.S., B.S.S.A.44, 2 A (1954), 149.