1. D.G.C. Robertson and H.Y. Sohn, “Conference Review: Gas-Solid Reactions in Pyrometallurgy,” J. Metals, 38 (9), 1986, p. 33.
2. D.G.C. Robertson and H.Y. Sohn (eds.), Gas-Solid Reactions in Pyrometallurgy, The Center for Pyrometallurgy, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Missouri, 1986.
3. P.C. Chaubal and H.Y. Sohn, “Intrinsic Kinetics of the Oxidation of Chalcopyrite Particles under Isothermal and Nonisothermal Conditions,” Metall. Trans. B, 17B, 1986, pp. 51–60.
4. P.C. Chaubal and H.Y. Sohn, “The Combustion of Chalcopyrite Particles under Flash-Smelting Conditions,” pp. 17–38 of Ref. 2.
5. Y.H. Kim and N.J. Themelis, “Effect of Phase Transformation and Particle Fragmentation on the Flash Reaction of Complex Metal Sulfides,” in Proceedings of the Reinhardt Schuhmann Int’l Symp. on Innovative Technol. and Reactor Design in Extraction Metall., ed. by D.R. Gaskell, J.P. Hager, J.E. Hoffmann and P.J. Mackey, TMS, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1986, pp. 349–369.