A Brute Indicator for a NEET Case: Genesis and Evolution of a Problematic Concept and Results from an Alternative Indicator


Serracant Pau


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Social Sciences,Sociology and Political Science,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Developmental and Educational Psychology

Reference48 articles.

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1. Enabling Meaningfulness with Young NEETs in the Nordic Region;The Social Contexts of Young People - Engaging Youth and Young Adults [Working Title];2024-01-10

2. Which companies hire NEET? Organisational characteristics of hiring NEET in a Norwegian full-population registry study;Journal of Youth Studies;2023-12-14

3. Career interventions and social well-being among non-engaged youth: Examining the mediating effects of career competency;Children and Youth Services Review;2023-05

4. Being poor and being NEET in Europe: Are these two sides of the same coin?;The Journal of Economic Inequality;2023-01-07

5. Service Innovations Targeting NEETs: A Systematic Review;Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance;2023








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