1. Blodgett, E. C. and A. E. Rich. 1950. Potato tuber diseases, defects and insect injuries in the Pacific Northwest. Washington Agr. Expt. Sta., Popular Bull. 195. p. 28–29.
2. Blodgett, E. C. and R. S. Snyder. 1946. Effect of alkali salts on shape and appearance of Russet Burbank potatoes. Am. Potato J. 23: 425–430.
3. Kunkel, R. and I. A. Dow. 1961. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash or yield and Quality of Russet Burbank potatoes in the Columbia Basin of Washington. Proceeding, Twelfth Annual Fertilizer Conference of the Pacific Northwest. Salem, Oregon.
4. Painter, L. I. and G. O. Baker. 1957. Fertilizer studies on Russet Burbank potatoes in southern Idaho. Idaho Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 281.