1. D. C. Ludwigson and A. M. Hall: The Physical Metallurgy of Precipitation Hardenable Stainless Steels; DMIC Report III, 1959.
2. D. E. Strohecker, A. F. Gerds, F. W. Boulger, Deformation Processing of Precipitation-hardening Stainless Steels, NASA SP-5088, 1968.
3. Ivo M. Kurg, Tensile stress-strain properties of 17–7 PH and AM350 stainless-steel sheet at elevated temperatures, Technical Note-4075, NACA, 1957.
4. D. H. Stone, Some High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Zircaloy-2, Type 304 stainless steel and AM-350 stainless steel, NAA-SR-11047, 1965.
5. R. J. Favor, O. L. Deel and W. P. Achbach, Design information on AM-350 stainless steel for aircraft and missiles, DMIC report- 156, 1961.