1. T.J. Heal and G.I. Williams, “Compounds of Uranium with the Transition Metals of the Second and Third Long Periods,”Acta Crys- tallogr.,8,494–498 (1955). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
2. J.J. Park and R.W. Buzzard, USAEC, TID-7526, Pt. 1 (1957); quoted in [Elliott] and [Shunk]. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
3. A.E. Dwight and M.V. Nevitt, USAEC, ANL-6099, 76–92 (1959): quoted in [Elliott]. (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
4. A.E. Dwight, J.W. Downey, and R.A. Conner, Jr., “Some AB3 Compounds of the Transition Metals,”Acta Crystallogr.,14,75–76 (1961). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
5. W.D. Wilkinson,Uranium Metallurgy, Vol. II: Uranium Corrosion and Alloys, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1058 and 1107–1108 (1962); quoted in [Shunk]. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)