1. Influence of Iron and Silicon Content on the Tensile Properties of 7X75 and Zr-Modified 7X75 Aluminum Plate, Technical Report Number AFML-TR-75- 140, July 1975, Air Force Materials Laboratory, WPAFB, OH. (Available through NTIS, Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. 22151.)
2. Effect of Iron and Silicon Content on Stress Corrosion Cracking in a Thermo- mechanically Processed Aluminum Alloy, Technical Report Number AFML- TR-75-43, July 1975, Air Force Materials Laboratory, WAPFB, OH. (Available through NTIS, Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. 22151.)
3. Effect of Iron and Silicon Content on the Fracture Toughness of 7X75 and Zr-Modified 7X75 Aluminum Plate, Technical Report Number AFML-TM-LL-75-10, July 1975, Air Force Materials Laboratory, WPAFB, OH. (Available through NTIS, Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. 22151.)
4. High Strength Aluminum Alloy Development, Technical Report Number AFML-TR-70-171, August 1970, Air Force Materials Laboratory, WPAFB, OH. (Available through NTIS, Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. 22151.)
5. M. V. Hyatt and W. E. Quist: unpublished Boeing data 1967.