1. M. Gell, D.N. Duhl, and A.F. Giamei, 4th Tnt. Symp. Superalloys, Seven Springs, PA, TMS Proceedings, Sept 1980. p 205–214
2. C.S Wukusick, Final Report NAVA1R Contr.. N62269-78-C- 0315, 25 Aug 1980
3. J.W. Holmes et al., ASTMSTP 942, 1988, p 672-691
4. T.E. Strangmen et al.. 4th Int. Symp. Superalloys, Seven Springs. PA, TMS Proceedings, Sept 1980, p 215-224
5. M.J. Goulette, P.D. Spilling, and R.P. Arthey, 5th Int. Symp. Su- peralloys, Seven Springs, PA, TMS Proceedings, Oct 1984, p 167-176