1. H.M. Howe, Metallurgy of Steel (New York: Scientific Publishing Co., 1890).
2. F.L. Kemeny, I.D. Sommerville, and A. McLean, Proc. Electric Furnace Conference, vol. 47 (Warrendale, PA: ISS, 1989), pp. 57–64.
3. F.L. Kemeny and L.J. Heaslip (paper presented at the Technical and Operations Conference, Steel Founders' Society of America, 1991).
4. I.D. Sommerville, A. McLean, and M. Rishea, Proc. Internat. Symp. on Emerging Separation Technologies for Metals and Fuels (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1993), pp. 305–316.
5. A. Ohno and H. Soda, Proceedings of F. Weinberg International Symposium on Solidification Processing, ed. J.E. Lait and I.V. Samarasekera (1990), pp. 215–228.