1. John F. Sowa, Relating Diagrams to Logic, Conceptual Graphs for Knowledge Representation, First International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'93, G. W. Mineau & B. Moulin Ed., Quebec City, Canada, 1993.
2. John F. Sowa, Conceptual Graphs Summary, Conceptual Structures: Current Research and Practice, Ellis Horwood, 1992.
3. John F. Sowa, Definitional Mechanisms for Restructuring Knowledge Bases, Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 5, ed. Z. W. Ras, M. Zemankova, & M. L. Emrich, North-Holland Pub. Co., New York, 1990, pp194–211.
4. John F. Sowa, Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine, Addison Wesley, 1984.
5. R. V. Guha, Contexts: A Formalization and some Applications, MCC Technical Report ACT-CYC-423-91, November, 1991.