1. A Transformational Component for Programming Language Grammar, J. M. Boyle, ANL-7690 Argonne National Laboratory, July 1970, Argonne, Illinois.
2. Abstract programming and program transformations — An approach to reusing programs. James M. Boyle, Editors Ted J. Biggerstaff and Alan J. Perlis in Software Reusability, Volume I, Pages 361–413, ACM Press (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company), New York, NY, 1989.
3. Program reusability through program transformation James M. Boyle and M. N. Muralidharan, IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 10 (5): 574–88 (Sept.) 1984.
4. Functional specifications for mathematical computations James M. Boyle, T. J. Harmer, Editor B. Moeller in Proc. IFIP TC2/WG2.1 Working Conf. on Construction Programs from Specifications.
5. Program adaption and program transformation In R. Ebert, J. Lueger and L. Goecke (editors), Practice in Software Adaption and Maintenance, pp. 3–20, North-Holland, Amsterdam.