1. AT&T: UNIX System V Release 4 Internals Student Guide, Vol. I, Unit 2.4.2., AT&T, 1990.
2. M. J. Bach: The Design of the UNIX Operating System, Prentice Hall Inc., 1986
3. J. Bonwick: “Kernel Tracing in SunOS 5.0,” in progress.
4. S. Evans, K. Clarke, D. Singleton, B. Smaalders: “Optimizing Unix Resource Scheduling for User Interaction,” USENIX Summer 1993, Cincinnati, Ohio.
5. J. R. Eykholt, S. R. Kleiman, S. Barton, R. Faulkner, et. al.: “Beyond Multiprocessing...Multithreading the SunOS Kernel,” USENIX Summer 1992, San Antonio, Texas.