1. Vincent Aleven and Kevin D. Ashley. Automated Generation of Examples for a Tutorial in Case-Based Argumentation. In C. Frasson, G. Gauthier, and G.I. McCalla, editors, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pages 576–584, Montreal, 1992.
2. Vincent Aleven and Kevin D. Ashley. An Instructional Environment for Practicing Argumentation Skills. 1994. To appear in Proceedings AAAI-94.
3. Kevin D. Ashley and Vincent Aleven. Generating Dialectical Examples Automatically. In Proceedings AAAI-92. July 1992. San Jose, CA.
4. Kevin D. Ashley and Edwina L. Rissland. Waiting on Weighting: A Symbolic Least Commitment Approach. In Proceedings AAAI-88. August 1988. St. Paul.
5. University of Massachusetts, COINS Technical Report;K. D. Ashley,1990