1. Flanagan, J. H., “Photoelastic Photography,” Proc. Soc. Exp. Stress Anal.,XV,No. 2 (1958).
2. Post, D., “Isochramatic Fringe Sharpening and Fringe Multiplication in Photoelasticity,” Ibid, Proc. Soc. Exp. Stress Anal., XII, No. 2 (1955).
3. Coolidge, D. J., “An Investigation of the Mechanical and Stress Optic Properties of Columbia Resin, CR39;” Ibid. Proc. Soc. Exp. Stress Anal., VI, No. 1 (1948).
4. Kodak Films for Black and White Photography. 7th ed. by Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester 4, N. Y.