AbstractWe have developed a comprehensive catalog of the variable differential rotation measured near the solar photosphere. This catalog includes measurements of these flows obtained using several techniques: direct Doppler, granule tracking, magnetic pattern tracking, global helioseismology, as well as both time-distance and ring-diagram methods of local helioseismology. We highlight historical differential rotation measurements to provide context, and thereafter provide a detailed comparison of the MDI-HMI-GONG-Mt. Wilson overlap period (April 2010 – Jan 2011) and investigate the differences between velocities obtained from different techniques and attempt to explain discrepancies. A comparison of the rotation rate obtained by magnetic pattern tracking with the rotation rates obtained using local and global helioseismic techniques shows that magnetic pattern tracking measurements correspond to helioseismic flows located at a depth of 25 to 28 Mm. In addition, we show the torsional oscillation from Sunspot Cycles 23 and 24 and discuss properties that are consistent across measurement techniques. We find that acceleration derived from torsional oscillation is a better indicator of long-term trends in torsional oscillation compared to the residual velocity magnitude. Finally, this analysis will pave the way toward understanding systematic effects associated with various flow measurement techniques and enable more accurate determination of the global patterns of flows and their regular and irregular variations.
COFFIES Phase I Grant
NASA HMI Contract
NASA Contract
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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