1. R.A. Beall, J.O. Borg and F.W. Wood, “A Study of Consumable Electrode Arc Melting,” USBM RI 5144, 1955.
2. R.A. Beall, et al., “Cold Mold Arc Melting and Casting,” USBM Bulletin 646, 1968.
3. H.B. Bomberger and F.H. Froes, “The Melting of Titanium,” Journal of Metals, Volume 36, Number 12, December 1984, pages 39–47.
4. B. Francis and E.L. Courtright, “Estimated Costs of Consolidating Ti Scrap by Inductoslag Melting,” 1981 International Seminar on Pilot Plant Experiences, Battelle-Northwest, BN-SA-1366, 1981, pages 1–5.
5. P.G. Clites and R.A. Beall, “Preparation of Ingots and Shaped Castings by Inductoslag Melting,” Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Electroslag and Special Melting Technology, G.K. Bhat, editor, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1975, pages 477–496.