1. L. D. Harmon, “Problems in Neural Modeling” inNeural Theory and Modeling edited by R. F. Reiss, (Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, Cal., 1964).
2. J. D. Cowan, “Statistical Mechanics of Nervous Nets” inNeural Networks edited by E. R. Caianiello, (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1968).
3. J. S. Griffith,Mathematical Neurobiology, (Academic Press, New York, 1971).
4. A. L. Hodgkin,The Conduction of the Nervous Impulse, (Liverpool Univ. Press, Liverpool, 1964);
5. A. L. Hodgkin,Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) B,148 (1957) 1–37.