1. B. Cox,J. Nucl. Mater. 148 (1987) 332.
2. Idem., ibid. 29 (1969) 50.
3. D. H. Bradhurst andP. M. Heuer,ibid. 37 (1970) 35.
4. B. D. Warr, E. M. Rasile andA. M. Brennenstuhl, Presented at the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Fundamental Aspects of Corrosion of Zirconium-Base Alloys for Water Reactor Environments, Portland, Oregon, September 1989. Also published as COR-I-89-199, November 1989.
5. R. A. Ploc,J. Nucl. Mater. 99 (1981) 124.