1. S. P. Keeler and W. A. Backofen:Trans. ASM, 1963, vol. 56, p. 25.
2. S. P. Keeler:Sheet Met. Ind., 1965, vol. 42, p. 683.
3. W. B. Hutchinson, R. Arthey, and P. Malmstrom:Scr. Met., 1976, vol. 10, p. 673.
4. A. K. Ghosh and J. V. Laukonis:Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Mech. Behavior of Mat., p. 278. ASM, Boston, Metals Park, OH, 1976.
5. A. Considere:Ann. Ponts Chaussees, 1885, vol. 9, p. 574.