1. A. C. Eringen,Linear Theory of Micropolar Elasticity, J. Math. Mech.15, 909 (1966).
2. E. V. Kuvshinskii andE. L. Aero,Continuum Theory of Asymmetric Elasticity, Soviet Phys. solid St.5, 1892 (1964). (Translation of Fizika tverdogo tela5, 2591 (1963).)
3. E. L. Aero andE. V. Kuvshinskii,Continuum Theory of Asymmetric Elasticity, Equilibrium of an Isotropic Body. Soviet Phys. solid St.6, 2141 (1965). (Translation of: Fizika tverdogo tela6, 2689 (1964).)
4. R. D. Mindlin,Stress Functions for a Cosserat Continuum, Int. J. Sol. Struct.1, 265 (1965).
5. Proc. 11th Int. Cong. Appl. Mech.;H. Neuber,1965