AbstractThe purpose of this study is to describe the defecation pattern of healthy infants up to 17 weeks of age. We included 1052 healthy term infants from the prospective HELMi cohort (NCT03996304). Parents filled in recurring online questionnaires on feeding, gastrointestinal function, and crying weekly for the first 17 weeks of life. Defecation frequency was highest at the age of 3 weeks (a median of 4 times/day, interquartile range (IQR) 2.9–5). At each time point, the median defecation frequency of breastfed infants was higher than that of infants receiving formula (e.g., at week 17 a median of 2 times/day, IQR 0.9–3.6, and a median of 1.1, IQR 0.6–1.4, respectively). The dominant color of the stool was most often yellow or light brown. Nearly black stools were reported in the first week of life in 3.4%. Nearly half (47.4%) of the infants had green stool color dominating for at least 1 week, with comparable frequency among breastfed (47.7%) and formula-fed (45.2%) infants. Green stools were associated with a higher defecation frequency (linear mixed-effect model p < 0.0001). Occasional blood in stool was reported in 9.3% and recurrent blood in 5.2% of the infants with no difference in stool consistency. Hard stools were rare (≤ 1%). Conclusion: This study enlightens the spectrum of defecation patterns in healthy term infants during the first 17 weeks of life. A better understanding of bowel function helps healthcare professionals distinguish normal from abnormal when addressing defecation, the color of stools, and the type of feeding.
What is Known:• Breastfed infants have more frequent and more yellow-colored stools than formula-fed infants.• Stools with green color are often suggested by the parents or even by medical professionals to indicate disease or discomfort in early life.
What is New:• Nearly half of the healthy term infants had green stool dominating for at least one week during the first 17 weeks and occasional blood was reported in almost 10% of the infants during this period.• Data on normal variation in bowel function and stool may serve primary health care professionals when educating the families and caretakers of infants.
Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation
the Foundation for Pediatric Research, Finland
the Academy of Finland
the Finnish Medical Foundation
Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation
Mary and Georg C. Ehrnrooth Foundation
University of Helsinki
Springer Science and Business Media LLC