1. A. I. Braude and Z. V. Ermol'eva, in: Proceedings of the 15th All-Union Congress of Epidemiologists and Microbiologists [in Russian] (1971), p. 80.
2. L. A. Genchikov and V. G. Sokolovskii, Zh. Mikrobiol., No. 5, 80 (1971).
3. V. I. Ioffe, in: Clinical and Epidemiological Immunology [in Russian], Leningrad (1968), p. 8.
4. E. A. Oleinikova, Characteristics of Antibacterial Defense in Childhood and the Pathogenesis of Enterocolitis, Doctoral Dissertation, Khar'kov (1965).
5. V. V. Rogovin, An Experimental Cytological Study of Macrophages with Differences of Functional Activity, Author's Abstract of Candidate's Dissertation, Moscow (1969).