1. Beaufort, L. F. de (1926), Zoogeographie van den Indischen Archipel. 202 S., Haarlem.
2. Brongersma, L. D. (1936), Some comments uponH. C. Raven's paper, „Wallace's line and the distribution of Indo-Australianmammals“; Arch. Néerl. Zool. 2, S. 240–256.
3. Chasen, F. N. (1937 a), A Handlist of Malaysian Birds; Bull. Raffles Mus. 11, S. 1–389.
4. —— (1937b), On a collection of Birds from the Krakatau Group of Islands Sunda Strait; Treubia 16, S. 245–259.
5. Kuroda, Nagamichi (1934 und 1936), Birds of the Island of Java. 794 S., 2 Bände, Tokyo.