End-users’ satisfaction and adoption regarding the implementation of a technology solution for screening and counselling individuals with suspicious COVID-19: a cross-section study


Marinelli PamelaORCID,Saragiotto Bruno TirottiORCID,Oliveira Rafael Felipe FerreiraORCID,de Oliveira Lisandra AlmeidaORCID,Fagundes Felipe Ribeiro CabralORCID,Hespanhol LuizORCID


Abstract Purpose We evaluated the end-users’ satisfaction and the adoption of a technology solution embedding a clinical decision algorithm for screening and counselling individuals with suspicious COVID-19. Methods This was a cross-sectional study. Data was collected by the startup company Hi! Healthcare Intelligence. Satisfaction was measured using two questions presenting answer options as Likert scales of eleven points (from 0 to 10), in which 0 indicated low satisfaction and 10 indicated high satisfaction. We measured ‘general satisfaction’ through the average of questions 1 and 2. Descriptive analyses were used to summarize the data. Results The average satisfaction regarding the experience in using the technology solution and regarding the ‘recommendation for a friend or family’ was 7.94 (95% confidence interval [CI] 7.60 to 8.28) and 8.14 (95% CI 7.80 to 8.48), respectively. ‘General satisfaction’ was 8.04 (95% CI 7.70 to 8.37). The adoption regarding the implementation of the technology solution was 24.5% (n = 265). Conclusion The technology solution embedding a clinical decision algorithm for screening and counselling individuals with suspicious COVID-19 presented high satisfaction. One in four (¼) individuals interested in using the technology solution actually adopted it by following the clinical decision algorithm until the end, when counselling was provided.


University of Technology Sydney


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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