1. DeepMind. Acute kidney injury. In: Streams. 2016. https://deepmind.com/applied/deepmind-health/streams/ . Accessed 6 Oct 2016.
2. Royal Free response to Hodson freedom of information request 1548, 30 Aug 2016.
3. The exact number is unknown, but Royal Free admits an average 1.6 million patients per year: NHS. Overview. In: Royal Free London NHS Hospital Trust. 2016. http://www.nhs.uk/Services/Trusts/Overview/DefaultView.aspx?id=815 . Accessed 20 Sep 2016.
4. DeepMind. Information sharing agreement. 2016. https://storage.googleapis.com/deepmind-data/assets/health/Royal Free - DSA - redacted.pdf (granting DeepMind data on all patients over a five year period). The agreement was signed by Subir Mondal, a deputy director and head of information governance at Royal Free, and Mustafa Suleyman, one of DeepMind’s three cofounders (presumably with authority to contract on behalf of Google).
5. DeepMind. We are very excited to announce the launch of DeepMind Health. 2016. https://deepmind.com/blog/we-are-very-excited-announce-launch-deepmind-health/ . Accessed 20 Sep 2016.