1. Bombardier, C., Laine, L., Reicin, A., Shapiro, D., Burgos-Vargas, R., Davis, B., Day, R., Ferraz, M.B., Hawkey, C.J., Hochberg, M.C., Kvien, T.K. & Schnitzer, T.J.VIGOR Study Group (2000). Comparison of upper gastrointestinal toxicity of rofecoxib and naproxen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. New England Journal of Medicine, Nov 23, 343(21): 1520–1528.
2. Routinely collected educational data: challenges to ethics and to privacy
3. Editorial – Dangerous Personalities
4. Emotional Intelligence Medical Education: Measuring the Unmeasurable?
5. Personality and Clinical Skills: Any Correlation?